The SALT program introduces…very important and timely issues. It places appropriate burdens of responsibility on the high school students to lead good lives for the sake of those who look up to them.  It is remarkable to see how seriously they take this responsibility.

Brother Michael McAward

Chaminade High School, Former SALT Program Coordinator

We have been actively involved with AHA for many years, and have plans to do a lot of work with the Sports Parenting Program too.  It has always been my philosophy that we have to teach positive behaviors and attitudes to athletes at younger ages.

Micheal Heller

Former Director of Athletics, Health, Physical Education and Recreation, South Side High School

My school principle and I saw the value in the SALT program right away— athletes speaking about civility, bullying and drug issues.  For younger students, it puts more meaning behind what is being said. We are very excited to be back for a second year.

Brian Devincenzi

Millbrook High School Athletic Director

In a world that too often endorses bad behavior, it is rewarding to work with the SALT athletes; they are positive and refreshing role models for the future.

Leslie Allen

SALT Trainer

We are very excited that the school district and the community are behind us with this important program.

Mariusz Borkowski

Bayshore High School Physical Education and Health Teacher; SALT Program Coordinator

I was an avid member of AHA in high school and believe it is one of the greatest programs running.

Matthew Johansen

West Hempstead High School and Adelphi University, Former SALT Student Leader

You have meant so much to me, other athletes and children throughout your leadership programs.

Nancy Lieberman

Former WNBA player, Women's Basketball Hall of Fame inductee, and General Manager of the Texas Legends

The training delivered by SALT trainers not only deals with sports issues, but life, ethical behavior, and positive decision making in general – something high school students can relate to.

Josef Kaplan

Chaminade High School and West Point, Former SALT Student Leader

SALT allows athletes to give back to the community by providing the opportunity. It is this opportunity that carries from the trainings to the classrooms to other programs and beyond.

Nejib Aminy

Half Hallow Hills West, Former SALT Student Leader

Each time I work with the student leaders I become more optimistic about the future of our nation. My experience has shown me just how powerful teenagers can be as role models and mentors to younger students.

Bernie Stein

SALT Trainer

Originally a participant and now a trainer, I enjoy the ability to experience the Program from a different perspective and helping student athletes to become involved with younger students in their community.

Tara Allen

SALT Trainer

SALT allows athletes to give back to the community by providing the opportunity. It is this opportunity that carries from the trainings to the classrooms to other programs and beyond.

Nejib Aminy

Half Hallow Hills West, Former SALT Student Leader

I get great satisfaction watching our student athlete leaders discovering their self worth in helping their communities.

Dan Bedard

SALT Trainer

I truly enjoy working with the student athlete leaders and helping them build character and discipline through the life lessons they learn in sports.

Jay Bryant

SALT Trainer

Working with SALT allows me to give back to student athletes by sharing my experiences with them. I love the program and very proud to represent AHA.

Monge Codio

SALT Trainer

I am a retired 5th grade teacher who was fortunate enough to have Athletes Helping Athletes come into my room when I was teaching, and perform their magic.  This program has helped so many of my students and continues to do so.  After I retired, I reached out to Warren Briening to ask if I could be part of his program and 10 years later I am blessed to still be part of it.
Lorraine Gagliano

SALT Trainer

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